Scott R. Sullivan

Shining His Light on the supernatural world through His Word and His Spirit

All about perspective, Part 3. Bursting Forth!

Dec 10, 2021 by Scott R. Sullivan

“Then God said, “Let there be light”; and there was light. And God saw the light, that it was good; and God divided the light from the darkness.”—Genesis 1:3 NKJV

In a moment, wavelengths, photons, electromagnetic radiation, and pure energy erupted forth as their very existence was commanded into being! 

The Creator had spoken.

With each new day, brand new creations leapt forth in jubilant celebration, as the very essence of Life commanded it to be. 

Blue was the first one to speak: “I will paint the Creator’s many waters with the depth of my palette, then I will embrace the whole sky!”

Quickly, Green proclaimed: “I will rush over all plants and grasses with my warmth and comfort!”

Yellow then shouted: “I will dazzle the sky with my palette as I embrace the Creator’s great sun.”

Orange winked at yellow and blue, while proclaiming: “I will partner with you each evening yellow and blue. Each evening I will wash the sky with brilliance, as the Creator’s mighty sun finishes its daily run, celebrating another successful day of life.

Red, Violet, and Indigo huddled together for how they too, would worship their Creator. 

“We got it” they exclaimed! We will work together with each of you, as we skip across each animal, flower, plant, tree, and sea creation sprinkling our collective beauty throughout. We will be in one great chorus bringing Glory to the King!”

As each color set out to make its mark in all of creation, it would be many years before they would all come together again in unison, like the day they were created. 

That day came after one terrible event, where flood waters rushed over the whole earth, drowning the life out of every living thing that held breath upon the lands.

Sin had reached a height that brought sadness to The Creator. Even yellow’s brilliance could not wash away the dark stain that had permeated the earth. The crowning creation only had evil intent in thought, heart, and deed. The human race had fallen so far, from that incredible Garden. Now sin polluted throughout.

Sin had brought destruction to the perfect creation that The Creator had spoken forth. Now this family of seven watched as their dazzling artwork washed away on this sad day. 


But God…


God had a plan, a promised plan. 


This close knit family of 7, once again witnessed the abounding Grace and Love of their Creator as He carefully crafted them together in one spectacular arch. 

“We get to stand together as a forever promise that the Mighty Creator will never flood the earth again,” they shouted with glee!

“And God said: “This is the sign of the covenant which I make between Me and you, and every living creature that is with you, for perpetual generations: I set My rainbow in the cloud, and it shall be for the sign of the covenant between Me and the earth. It shall be, when I bring a cloud over the earth, that the rainbow shall be seen in the cloud; and I will remember My covenant which is between Me and you and every living creature of all flesh; the waters shall never again become a flood to destroy all flesh. The rainbow shall be in the cloud, and I will look on it to remember the everlasting covenant between God and every living creature of all flesh that is on the earth.” And God said to Noah, “This is the sign of the covenant which I have established between Me and all flesh that is on the earth.””—Genesis 9:12-17 NKJV

And so it was, this banded family once again raced across all creation painting it with their spectacle of palette for all the world to enjoy, while standing in arched unison, shouting the Creator’s faithfulness. Excitement was everywhere!

Years passed, even centuries, and this faithful family stood in regal arched formation, as a  banner of promise that their Trusted Creator spoke forth for all humans to know. Every person saw their beautiful display, no matter where they were residing on this amazing planet. It was a badge of honor to stand together shouting the Faithfulness of their Creator’s promise. Little did they know, soon their mission would be reshaped again

Golgotha hit…

Dark clouds billowed overhead as the very earth trembled at such A great loss. Blue and yellow hid themselves as the One Who causes them to shine, lay limp upon that dead tree. Orange already knew there was no painting to do today, as sadness coursed through the land. Green could bring forth no comfort or warmth, as the ground broke forth from the mighty shaking, and trees and bushes gave way. Violet and Indigo just sat silent as the rest of creation did, stunned at how it had come to this. Red’s day was the hardest, as it’s deep color dripped the final drops, staining the cracked ground below, as the final life blood left the Creator of the whole universe.

Drip, drip, drip…

This banded family did not know if it would ever be able to show their collective brilliance in the same way again. Everything seemed dim, lifeless, and purposeless, without The Light shining forth anymore. The Creator was gone, and all of creation sat in stunned silence.

Quietness laid hold over all the earth and sadness deepened it’s harsh grip. Two long days had passed. Day three was on its way.

Brilliance Shone forth, Life returned, death was defeated, and the grave was made a mockery. This banded family had new brilliance flow through them as The Light displayed His Resurrected Majesty! New purpose coursed through their existence, but they did not even know for what. 

The Creator spoke:

“Not only will you demonstrate My Promise to never flood the earth again, you will display your talents by My Throne, as I spread My Kingdom forth.”

This banded family never felt so important! They would not only celebrate their Creator’s promise, but now celebrate His Eternal Throne!

Eternity is Beckoning us towards the coming King. Let our focus be on our forever’s. Let us be diligent about His Kingdom. Let us be wise builders and not build on sand. Let us see all things from His perspective so our vision, thoughts, intents, and hearts are true. 

“And He who sat there was like a jasper and a sardius stone in appearance; and there was a rainbow around The Throne, in appearance like an emerald.”—Revelations 4:3


Much love,
