Scott R. Sullivan

Shining His Light on the supernatural world through His Word and His Spirit

The "guest" and the door

Feb 12, 2022 by Scott R. Sullivan

Welcome back! After much prayer and closet time with the Holy Ghost, He has laid a new series of blogs on my heart that will focus directly on angels and demons. These will be unfiltered accounts with graphic descriptions. I tell you this ahead of time so you are prepared. Darkness will be exposed and also God’s goodness revealed. There will be great teaching moments in all of these and you will definitely gain insight into how the spiritual world works and what our role is in it.  This has the potential to shake things up in your life and could cause a stir. I wanted to warn ahead of time, so you are prayerful and leaning into Him and His Word. Alright, here we go…

Before I jump into my first blog in this series let me tell you about my morning so far. As sunlight just started to dance over my glued shut eyelids, I felt my familiar buddy streeeeeeetched way out, right next to me, on the bed. My ever-affectionate buddy Archie (the cat) had snuggled in close to me. His belly against my side with both sets of paws stretched out wide. I gave him a morning pat, swung my legs over him and onto the floor. Snap, crackle, pop, yup everything is in place as I stood up and made my way downstairs to my other buddy Kopper (the dog). My full, “I need coffee shuffle,” was on display. Kopper was his cheerful self and having a quick run outside, he was ready to come in for his morning biscuit and warm blanket. Winter still has its grip tight where I live.

My shoulders felt heavy, but not in a depressive way. Maybe weighty would be a better description. I knew this was the morning the Holy Spirit had called me to start writing about my supernatural encounters. Anytime He asks me to write about Heaven, share a teaching video, or now speak on this subject, I feel the “weight” of the responsibility and the “weight” of representing His Truth in excellence. That’s a good thing! What we say and do about Him, His Kingdom, His Truth, and His Ways, will determine how we are rewarded in Heaven. We have to be about the Heavenly Father’s business in all areas of our lives. Remember He really does have the title deed us.

As I brewed some fresh coffee and came to sit down in my usual chair to write about the supernatural world, I got an immediate confirmation that this was going to shake some things and expose some things.

Right there, sitting in my living room was a demon in full gargoyle display.  He was sitting down directly across from where I was about to sit to write this blog. He was 5’5” tall approximately. He’s face twisted with hate, refined in the fire of raging discontentment. His head was bald with pointy ears. His eyes were blood red, his “skin” charcoal and slimy looking, and his fangs dripped with fresh lies he had recently told. His body was very muscular with long boney figures and toes, and the sharpest of thick black nails moved as he clenched and opened his fist.

Now this might frighten you quite a bit and I can understand why it would. When we see the enemy for how he really is it’s not pleasant. The forces of darkness are completely evil and only have evil intent on everything they set out to do. This demon was no different. What evil he came to do, I was not sure of at this moment, but I knew he had to be dealt with instead of run from.

Honestly, seeing like this has so been my normal that it really does not surprise me when these things occur. That doesn’t mean I always enjoy them, but the Holy Spirit gives incredible grace to walk these things out, stay in His Peace, and have His discernment on what to do next.

I sat down in my usual writing chair as this demon’s hate filled gaze turned my way. I prayed quietly and peacefully in my spirit that the Lord would bring His Prescence and wash this evil being away. These incidents don’t all go that way, as you will come to learn in other soon to be written blogs, but in this incident, this is what the Holy Spirit instructed me to do. Within minutes two angels entered the room.  They were dressed in white tunics with gold belts around their waists. Their faces were young and their countenance peaceful but resolute. As they entered the room, they never looked my way, but were completely focused on the situation they were sent to deal with.

They stepped towards the demon sitting across from me. Suddenly, the evil beings gaze turned from me and anger erupted across his face as the two angels grabbed the demon by either arm. The angels never flinched, never made eye contact with me or the demon. The demon was hissing and growling as they calmly walked it out the front door and tossed it off the property.

The demon was flung through the air and landed hard on its back with its leathery bat type wings spread out. Stunned by the quick removal, the demon slowly got up, hissed and flew off out of sight.  The angels stood like centuries guarding the door and with that my eyes were shut off.

I had sat down that morning to tell a different supernatural story, but I soon realized as my started to settle down to write that, this was the one to tell. You see what the enemy meant for evil, to come and intimidate, place fear, see if I really knew Who’s I was, God turned for good to showcase an event of His power and His goodness.

“You are of God, little children, and have overcome them, because He who is in you is greater than he who is in the world.”—1 John 4:4 NKJV

And the Holy Spirit helps us in our weakness. For example, we don’t know what God wants us to pray for. But the Holy Spirit prays for us with groanings that cannot be expressed in words. And the Father who knows all hearts knows what the Spirit is saying, for the Spirit pleads for us believers in harmony with God’s own will. And we know that God causes everything to work together for the good of those who love God and are called according to his purpose for them.”—Romans 8:26-28 NLT


Until next time…

Much love,
