Scott R. Sullivan

Shining His Light on the supernatural world through His Word and His Spirit

The pile and the pursuit

Feb 20, 2022 by Scott R. Sullivan

My face felt like it was going to crack and fall off.  -11 degrees outside and the crisp snow cracked under ever footstep. The sun had stretched its beams and was out the gate to run its race for the day. The air was brittle as snow slowly cascaded down tree branches and silently touched the ground. No one was out but me, and I needed to get some early morning shoveling done so we could get out of our neighborhood and off to our daily duties.

Even though I really enjoyed the silence today felt like a great day to listen to some music. When nature is so peaceful, I really like to listen to worship music and draw my heart close to the Lord’s.  To truly have power flow through you, it starts with worship, then moves to leaning into His Prescence all without trying to get something from Him. Sometimes, we need to just “be” then we will discover more of Who God Is and what is on His heart and mind for our lives.

“Be still, and know that I am God!

I will be honored by every nation.

I will be honored throughout the world.”

The Lord of Heaven’s Armies is here among us;

the God of Israel is our fortress.—Psalms 46:10-11


This was one of those times that I just wanted to be close to Him and not be asking Him for anything. A second benefit of the music is that it kept my mind off my aching back as I shoveled 10” of snow off my driveway and sidewalks around my home. Boy, I am not 18 anymore. Haha!

After about 45 minutes I was nearing a stopping point, when the Holy Spirit convicted me to go shovel the sidewalks in front of my neighbor’s home too. My neighbor, how shall I say this, is not the most amicable personality to get along with. Still, God was asking and sometimes drawing close to Him means serving along with Him. As I walked across the street the crisp snow crunched under each footstep, almost stating how cold it was outside. Well maybe that was a little of my back cracking too. Haha!

At about the midway point of being done shoveling my neighbor’s sidewalk the Holy Spirit convicted my heart to begin to pray for him. As I prayed, I asked the Lord to bless Him, but not with things. I asked Him to stretch out His hand and bless my neighbor with revealing more of Who He Is and to draw my neighbor to Him. Suddenly, my spiritual eyes were opened, and I saw a Hand, palm up, slowly open over my neighbor’s home. God was moving over his life.

At the same time, a dark cloud came out the front door of the house. It was swirling much like a tornado and was about the size of a tall man. It swirled right up to me and came to a stop revealing the sinister being within it. The evil spirit narrowed its red triangle shaped eyes and lowered it dog like snout my direction. A sharp row of teeth appeared showcasing and arrogant smile. It folded it leather wings around its body much like a Dracula character would do with their cape. It was a spirit of deception. All evil spirits try and deceive to some degree or another, but this was a spirit that specialized in it. From all my interaction with my neighbor he appeared a religious man, but rarely demonstrated love. The one thing he did love to do was gossip about everyone and he even declared himself the neighborhood gossip.

Most of the time, when warring in the supernatural world, it is done in the spirit. I still had a shovel in my hand and more sidewalk to go, so in my spirit, I began to pray and invite more of God’s Prescence. The evil spirit continued to sneer and stare. It was trying to intimidate and get me to operate in fear.

But The Word says:

“For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind.”—2 Timothy 1:7 NKJV

I stood my ground and continued to pray. Suddenly, the evil spirit’s attention was drawn elsewhere as it’s gaze turned upward.  About halfway up the large evergreen tree across the street, 3 angels appeared with God’s Glory illuminating behind them. They were carrying a golden chain. The spirt of deception sneered and hissed. Jet black smoke billowed around it as its anger was spiking. The Holy Spirit quickened me on what to pray, by reminding me of a scripture.

“Assuredly, I say to you, whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven.”—Matthew 18:18 NKJV

Sometimes evil in our lives and in others must be dealt with head on and not avoided. So, so important to not let things fester.

I prayed that the evil spirit would be bound, so that my neighbor could experience God’s Prescence. Right away, the 3 angels descended and wrapped the golden chain around the evil spirit as I saw God’s Hand open more over my neighbor’s home. The evil spirit hissed and cursed but the angels never flinched. They just wrapped the chain around him and pinned him to the ground. With that my eyes shut off and I finished shoveling.

Let’s be mindful of how we can bring God’s Kingdom to this earth and how we can pray for those around us. Time is short, eternity is beckoning, eternal rewards are waiting.


Until next time…

Much love,
