Scott R. Sullivan

Shining His Light on the supernatural world through His Word and His Spirit

Be careful what you read.

Mar 18, 2022 by Scott R. Sullivan



  After our surprise miracle little girl, our life truly changed. After years of contending for a promise God gave, standing solely on His Word and His Word alone. Our faith was rewarded and God got the Glory for this amazing creative miracle. I won’t retell the story here, you can read the whole story in The Gate Eternity Beckons, but I will touch on one point here that is valid in our daily lives.

  We don’t have to look far or wide to see the chaus that is hitting this fallen world. Wars, pestilence, famines, deceptions, lies, crooked leaders, moral failures, the list goes on and on. The reality is sin exists, and sin has a high price in each of our lives if it goes unchecked and unrepented of. It always leads to more destruction and the death of something. The enemy is a liar and he lies to see our destruction. He wants to steal your peace, your dreams, your relationships, your promises, and if possible, your eternity. Temptation is his way and he is the father of lies.

  One question I get all the time is; “How do you hear God so well?” I have gotten this question in various forms so often these last few months that I thought I would talk about it here.

  1. I do not have a special gift to hear Him, truly.
  2. I do see in the supernatural world, but that is a gift from Him. I still would not know His voice unless I did this one thing. More in a minute on that.
  3. I too can get distracted by the many voices and influences this world is throwing at us now.
  4. It’s easy to hear Him daily, but it will take work.

  So, what is that one thing?

  His Word. Plain and Simple.

  Did you know that when Jesus comes back One of the Names, He will be carrying is The Word? In John 1:1 He is called The Word and that is also how He is returning, carrying a rod of iron, to make war with evil, and that the whole world will be submitted to His Word. In the thousands of things I have seen in the supernatural world, including my trips to beautiful Heaven, I would not understand or learn a thing from them if I did not study His Word daily. Really! I mean that! I am living proof of how His Word can change a person from the inside out. He used His Word to reengineer how I think, how I operate, and ultimately what things I prioritize in my life and what things I have thrown away. Believing His Word and standing on it, was how our miracle came to be. It certainly was not anything we could do. Without His Word, I would not be the stable, peace filled man I am today. I wouldn’t even be alive…

   We homeschool our little girl. I know that is not for everyone, but for us it has been the perfect fit. I grew up going to public school my whole life and my wife went to a private school. So, when the Lord led us to homeschool it was something new and challenging for sure. When God is asking something from us, we normally need to let something die in our life, so that we give Him room to plant and grow better life within and around us. Faith is a challenge. I have to wrestle through many things, but in the end, God is always right. His Ways our not our ways, and it does take work to follow Him, but its ALWAYS worth it.

  The other day I was taking my little girl out to shop for some new math books for her. They were part of a series we have been working through. We walked into a used bookstore hoping to find a deal and complete the book series. As I opened the door, my discernment sensors where fully turned on. To turn on any discernment sensors is really just positioning God first in our hearts and minds, so that we give Him the opportunity to protect us from evil and guide us to Truth. My job as a dad is to guard my little girl not just physically, but more importantly, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually. I am responsible for being a gate and guardian for what comes to try and inflict her mind, soul, body, or heart. It’s an incredible responsibility that parents are given, and I take mine very seriously. She is my gem and I do my best to polish her all the time, and guard her like the precious treasure she is.

  As I surveyed the bookstore, I kept her close by as I looked over the store layout, and quickly spotted a small kid’s section. We walked back, I took a quick survey and all seemed ok. It was very small and closed in, so I set her up with a couple of books I trusted as I looked up and down some aisles to find their education section. As I walked up and down a couple of aisles, I quickly began to feel the atmosphere change. I was almost at the end of the last aisle I was going to look down before I got help. (yes, I am a man and I struggle to ask for directions, haha!) As I came to the end of the aisle, I noticed the section was all about aliens and further more about communicating with them, having interactions, and other things I would rather not say. Just then, and only about 3ft from my little girl, I saw a demon squatting down on the upper book shelf, one aisle over. It spoke to my mind:

“Do you like what you see?” It hissed.

“Just submit to me, and I will reveal to you things from the stars, and give you real power.” It spoke in seductive tones.

  I will simply state this here before I finish with what happened next. The entire topic of aliens and definitely all the “new” (still just a lie from old) videos and documentaries are all part of a coming great delusion. Do not, do not, do not dabble with this stuff. Very dark, very deceptive, very evil. There are opportunities to be salt and light here for those that are getting enticed.

  Its sticky presence emanated from the wicked spirit and a feeling of darkness and yuck started to come around me. Then, a righteous anger arose in me and I was furious. In my spirt (people were around, my little girl a couple feet away, and jail is not something I wanted to experience), I spoke to the spirit and commanded it to stay silent and speak no more in Jesus Name.

  It sat back for a minute as if to see if I was really serious or not. They want to know that you know Who’s you are and that you walk in His authority, not you own self perceived authority.

  So, what do you do? You quote The Word. The Word has power coupled with the Name of Jesus.

  So, that is exactly what I did and soon the spirit shrunk back knowing it had severely lost this battle with a child of The King who knows Who’s he is, and is no one to tangle with…

For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places.”—Ephesians 6:12 NKJV

“You are of God, little children, and have overcome them, because He who is in you is greater than he who is in the world.”—1 John 4:4 NKJV

“If God is for us, who can be against us?”—Romans 8:31 NKJV

“Look, I have given you authority over all the power of the enemy, and you can walk among snakes and scorpions and crush them. Nothing will injure you. But don’t rejoice because evil spirits obey you; rejoice because your names are registered in Heaven.”—Luke 10:19-20 NLT


Until next time,


Much love,

